Friday, December 25, 2009


sometimes I feel the world is infinitely small and everything's condensed and I touch everything, I can feel everything, I am a part of something, that I am not just some tiny speck in a universe that stretches billions of light years...

other days (like today) I think whether at night our reflections stare back at us, watching us fall into deep slumber (and dream, what do you know about dreaming?), wishing they were on this side and not the other (where they are);

like the looking glass, only unlike Alice, they can't step through: they can only wish.

some days I don't think about those things, I engross myself in books where the main character goes through a life-changing experience (including stepping through to the other side), and at first it seemed so random but when you get to the end you understand why,

Albert Einstein said "God does not play dice with the Universe."