Saturday, September 20, 2008

Yasmin knows how to play Poker now! =D
And has ginrummy buddies! =DD
Liking it, liking it
Senang ada kawan2 suka berjudi ni

Had three tests this week;
and I'm pretty disappointed
I haven't been doing so well
and I think I'm stressing out way too much
which affects my performance
I should chill out sket, like before

My accounts marks fell
Dunno bout Math
Bombed my English

Actually I tak bomb english la
got two marks off for my essay je
tapi objective taktau lagila
InsyaAllah, okay kot

Eh I am obsessed with Diane's aunt's cookies
it is like one of the nicest cookies I've ever tasted

Smalam went to play poker and chor tai ti!
won against Naiz in poker and once chor tai ti with RuiRui
(Although I suspect Naiz ada trick.)
tapi I'm chilling now, it's awesome =)
terima kaseh kawan2ku.

Friday, September 12, 2008

You know what I dislike?
When it's the topic of conservation, and how bad the environment has become
people just go
"oh it's gonna be the end of the world."
and that's that.

Yes, that might be true but
a little constructive opinions might help
after all
would Allah like it if we left His world
the way it is now?

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Iylia slept over last night!
Loads of fun
Went out to Mydin for dinner
I think she and I were high or something
Cos we mistook Sasi for a guy promoter
and we were both like "okay, let's not make eye contact with the promoter."
then we realized it was Sasi.
What the effff

Life's been pretty hectic these days
loads of work to do; college is such a chore
but a fun chore
I'm laughing all the time now, I've got great friends

oh marks marks!
if I average everything out, it's about 87.25
so I need just a lil bit more push to get to the standard I want
which is over 90
Insya-Allah I'll be able to get it, hopefully.

To all my Penang friends
bila nak gather ramai2 ni?
rindu la jugak kan