Sunday, July 26, 2009

Jelaludin Rumi & Yasmin Ahmad,

Our death is our wedding with eternity.
What is the secret? "God is One."
The sunlight splits when entering the windows of the house.
This multiplicity exists in the cluster of grapes;
It is not in the juice made from the grapes.
For he who is living in the Light of God,
The death of the carnal soul is a blessing.
Regarding him, say neither bad nor good,
For he is gone beyond the good and the bad.
Fix your eyes on God and do not talk about what is invisible,
So that he may place another look in your eyes.
It is in the vision of the physical eyes
That no invisible or secret thing exists.
But when the eye is turned toward the Light of God
What thing could remain hidden under such a Light?
Although all lights emanate from the Divine Light
Don't call all these lights "the Light of God";
It is the eternal light which is the Light of God,
The ephemeral light is an attribute of the body and the flesh.

...Oh God who gives the grace of vision!
The bird of vision is flying towards You with the wings of desire.

-Jelaludin Rumi, Mystic Odes

I thought that, at one point in my life, I'd be able to show her some of my scripts. She reignited my passion for writing, which was at one time, the only thing I ever wanted to do.

I regretted not posting anything on her blog, even though I was an ardent follower. Needless to say, everything she did stroke a chord with me, and many others, as can clearly be seen.

I hope that one day I'll be able to create Malaysian life stories as beautifully as she did.

Sedekah Al-Fatihah kepada Yasmin Ahmad. Semoga rohnya dicucuri rahmat Allah.


WDK_econ101 said...

To be honest. I liked her work too. Hope we all are able to put are heart into whatever that is we are doing in our life.


love reading your blog btw.

Ainaa SS said...

my fav by jelaludin rumi:

Friend, our closeness is this:
Anywhere you put your foot, feel me
in the firmness under you.

How is it with this love,
I see your world and not you?